Agentur für Schauspieler
Apostelnstraße 11
D-50667 Köln
Phone +49 221 29 07 68 70
Fax +49 221 29 07 68 77
Agentur für Schauspieler
Apostelnstraße 11
D-50667 Köln
Phone +49 221 29 07 68 70
Fax +49 221 29 07 68 77
Please send us Your wish of an autograph with the name of the actor and a self-addressed envelope with a stamp. Our address is mentioned above. Unfortunately, we can’t give You a guarantee for an answer. Please do not send Your wish of an autograph by e-mail.
You are welcome to send Your application by e-mail. Attached data should not be larger than 10 MB. Alternatively, You can add a link of Your website or showreel. If we are interested, we will come back to You within 14 days.